It was a breezy soft evening at the Bridge. All was quiet except for
the soft whispers and dooks of a few non-sleeping ferrets. All of a
sudden, there was a hard knock on the cottage door, where SaraFerret
lives. Isabel ran to the door and opened it and in flew Drexel, the
little boy courier. He came in so fast that he flew into SaraFerret's
hammie and flipped it over dumping her onto the ground. OOPS!

Well that woke her up!!! Well by now SaraFerret was wide awake. Missy
SawaFewwet, dere is a fewwet cwossing de bwidge wight now! You must
huwwy if you is gonna meet him. SaraFerret looked at the note and told
Drexel, You must go and get de other two ferrets and have dem meet us.
So off Drexel went. (Dat little boy courier is so proud of his job--I
just hope dose ferrets can understand him--he lisps worse den I do).

Den I dusted myself off and arrived at de bridge entrance just in time
to see de newcomer. Oh my, such a hard time he was having. He struggled
so much dat I finally had to go and help him in de last few inches to
de entrance. The ferret said, Well, thank you, young lady, I am blind
and not feeling quite well and appreciate your help. Where am I and who
are you? My name is Arthur and I belong to Grandma Lynne and her
daughter Ashlie.

I introduces myself, I am SaraFerret, the bridgegreeter. Welcome to
your new forever home. Here you will have no pain or suffering. No
litter pans, lotsa food, green grass to run and play, ferrets to visit
with, fun and games all de time.

Then Arthur spoke up and says, well I used to run and play on earth and
I had such fun times. But now I am blind. (And at that moment POOF!
Arthur was no longer blind nor was he sick.) What happened! I can see
everything just like I used to. Can I go back home now, SaraFerret?

Hmmm, No, Arthur, once you cross de bridge, this is your forever home
and dere is no going back. A big tear ran down his face. But at that
moment, two ferrets came rushing up to meet him. Hi, Arthur, Welcome
to the Bridge, remember us? Annabel and Avery. Oh yes, Arthur replies,
Sure I do. Maybe this place won't be so bad after all. There are some
ferrets I know so it will be somewhat like home in a way.

With that there was a big reunion wardance, bounces and leaps of joy.
Even without wings, Arthur could leap very high now. When they all
settled down, Arthur noticed their wings and asked, Hey what are those
things for? His brother and sister replied, To fly with. They gave a
short demo showing the high-flying stunts they could now do.

Arthur says, ok, those wings sound like a great idea. Where can I get
those at. SaraFerret had just been sitting at the side of all the visit
letting them dook and chatter and spoke up, let's go to de Wing House
and get your set of wings and your halo. All of the group made our way
down the path arriving there and opened the door and on the counter was
the big box (of course) and Arthur went over and opened it and took
them out--soft green with black streaks. We helped him on with them
and he went over to de vanity mirror and looked at his reflection and
smiled. Gee I wish my humans, Lynne and Ashlie, could see me now. We
left de Wing House and wandered down de garden path, past de otter
mudslide, the fruit and kibble bar, and finally we came to the misting

We sat down beside de clear blue water and swished it and there
appeared Lynne and Ashlie with tears in their eyes. There at the
Rainbow Bridge were all three of their ferrets. You could see that they
miss them. But then Arthur, Annabel, and Avery started wrapping their
hugs and kisses and wrapped them with love and loaded them on a nearby
shooting star which may reach you soon. And they made a promise that
one day they would visit you in a dream and you would know by their
musky smell or their scratchy whiskers that they had been there, or you
might spot them in a vision. Who knows! And with another swish, it was
gone. But all knew that one day their humans and ferrets would be
reunited at the bridge and would run and play forever.

So ended another day at the Bridge

Loveys and hugs SaraFerret, Bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5705]