Dear Tonks da Poofer and Isabella da Shopper. Dis is Bailey Raine

I am vewy sorry I not go to your nuptuls.

I was not feelin good and stay home sippin Vivify. Dat is some weally
good stuff. I is feelin better. Still fallen ober, but dat is just me.

Speaking of fallin ober, my brudder Jackson told me he and Rocky
Bobbles had a weal good time. Dey be sippin sumthin too.

When Jackson got home, he took a really long nap wit a blankie ober
his head. He looked a bit gween and moaned a lot so I gives him some

He say dis wedding was fun, lots of purty gurls dat like to dance.
Dats bout all he members cuz of the headache.

We bought a wedding pwesent for da SOS waffle.

We gonna buy some tickets too. Jus can't decide what we wants to try
and win So many choices........ think I need a nap.

Yur fren, Bailey

[Posted in FML 5687]