Well, I guess at best my ferret mommy intuition was right on when I
decided to make the pimp daddys permanent residents a month ago. Two
weeks following, Trey and Draco came up with insulinoma. It is only
recently that I've noticed these ferrets are older than I thought,
maybe 5 or 6...I can't beleive they were still being kept whole and
breeding at this old age. (Thanks to the Millers)

Last night we lost Bange. (Pronounced Banjee) I've been working with
him round the clock for a bad inner ear infection with a strain of
bacteria that was very resistant to antibiotics. He was drinking his
soup every three hours though and I never expected he would pass from
this even though his improvement was slow.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone that I have a candle page on our
website where I will light a candle for any of your precious furrzies
that have passed. If you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out.
Kat's web talents really shine on this page. Here's our link:



BTW, has the other "rescue" that stepped in and helped out last year
paid a visit to see this years breeding filth? I read your post Dawn
but I have to wonder why this "rescue" insists on remaining anonymous.
I took all that hell from the anon poster last year for not coming
forward sooner...I had my reasons for keeping this quiet last year, but
the fact that this is happening again after she was down to a clean
area and only 10 ferrets does leave one wondering how she could be over
run again without someone else providing her with breeding stock. So
maybe, since you have ALL the information on people that are working
with her, you could check it out. Huh? And be sure to let all of us
know. Alot of people's donations through SOS assisted with the rescue
of this breeder filth and the ferret community needs and deserve

[Moderator's note: As always, status reports are welcome. Honest debate
too...but due to the history, flames will be extinguished quickly. BIG]

Kimberly Fox
Director/Rescue Mom
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address.

[Posted in FML 5702]