This last week has been a mess for me with the new house having alot of
problems I lost 3 ferrets this last week sence Aires. Timmy and Faroke
both were in the hospital but I brought them home timmy is better but
Faroke im afired he is giving up, I have all ferrets on Antiboitics for
upper respatory infections and Timmy has a bladder infection and upi.
one day last week i came home and i had been gone most of the day doing
things and trying to find a part time job i had been gone for several
hours when i came home the a/c was off and it was very hot in the house
its 100 degrees outside so it was very hot inside the house and the
ferrets room was very hot and i have been sick myself, i thought maybe
it was there was mold in the house but idont think there was. i think
reason the ferrets got sick was the house was so hot for hours befor i
got home. so im relly tore up thinking im a bad ferret mom and shelter
mom, Please ya all keep my ferrets in your prayers and hope that they
get well and i am moveing back into another 3 bedroom with centreal
heat and air .. 


[Posted in FML 5700]