I emailed Cindy regarding her question about building ferret
playgrounds and talked about Randy Horton and his Ferretland in
Colorado around 1999. Then he fell ill and moved to Texas and
EspeciallyFerrets.org disappeared. Does anyone know what happened to
Randy and if there are any photos of Ferretland? There was even talk
about Animal Planet doing a special on his playground for the little


Fox - My favorite would be the plant relandscapping

Huck - I'll do whatever Fox does

Freddie - I want the ferretone pool bar

Nuka - I could climb the spewing volcano slide 

Ginger - Would it have tunnels?

Honey - I would like a grassy part to play on.

Remembering Butter, Foxy, and Bandit

"If there are no ferrets in heaven, then when I die I want to go where
they went". Will Rogers sort of
Patti Higgins

[Posted in FML 5699]