Miss Kelley wrote in a request for me to check on her little boy

It took a little searching on my part as Bailey had crossed the Bridge
several weeks ago.

I checked the Newbie Dorms, but I didn't find Bailey there.

I walked all the way over to Francis Ferret's purple cottage, but she
hadn't seen Bailey since the beginning of July.

"Hmmm...Where is that boy?" I wondered aloud.

Miss Francis invited me in for some nice iced tea, which I happily
accepted. It was flavored with something exotic, like heather or
lavender. We sat and chatted for a while then I was on my way out
past the Meadows to look for Bailey.

It's a long walk, Miss Francis packed me a lunch to take and I said
my good-byes.

As I walked I thought back on all the ferts I have greeted crossing
the Rainbow Bridge, sadly there have been far too many of them.

I do have some favorites. Like Spaz who arrived in July of last year.
Muldoone was 'pre-porkypined' and wasn't able to meet

Spaz as he crossed the Bridge, so I went over to greet him instead.

And Pooh Bear who was owned by a sweet girl named Kathryn. Pooh's
greeting touched me deeply because Kathryn was so heartbroken that he
had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge. I think of Kathryn quite often
and wonder how she is doing.

I always think happy thoughts for her.

I was coming up to The Great Tree Of Hope. This is where I decided to
stop and have a snack before continuing on to search for Bailey.

The Great Tree Of Hope has always been a magical place for me.

It is the place where all creatures find relief from sorrow. If a
ferret arrives at the Rainbow Bridge with a heavy heart filled with
sadness over having to leave his or her Earthly family they need
only sit under the gracious boughs of the ageless tree and think of
their loved ones. Sorrow leaves their hearts and is replaced by an
overwhelming sense of peace and gladness. The great knowledge of the
Tree of Hope is imparted to them and all at once they understand why
they have come to this place and they know they will see their loved
ones again someday, and they will be reunited for all eternity.

I always feel complete after sitting under the generous boughs of this
ageless tree. My heart is filled with hope, my spirit is renewed and I
am able to continue on my journey with a song in my heart and a spring
in my step. I sat under the big tree and opened the lunch sack that
Francis had given me. Inside was a large piece of raisin tart, my
favorite! and a bottle of freshly squeezed raisin juice. There was also
a small lavender envelope. I picked it up gently, it smelled of wild
heather, my name was neatly scribed on the front 'Musty Pete' I felt a
little bit nervous, not quite sure what to make of the note. I put it
aside and ate my raisin tart. My goodness!! It was wonderful, it melted
in my mouth! Francis Ferret is the best cook I have ever known, and I
have eaten at a lot of places...well, before I came here, that is. I
savored every bite. The raisin juice was almost as good as the tart.
With a full belly I picked up the envelope, it smelled intoxicating. I
turned it over and over and over in my large paws...almost afraid to
open it. I laid back against the great tree, the envelope resting on
my big barrel chest, I closed my eyes, 'only for a moment' I thought,
'only for a moment'.

I quickly fell into a deep slumber, as all ferts will do when their
bellies are full. I dreamed of fields of purple wildflowers, a heavy
scent filled the air...it was glorious! I ran through the endless
field, not knowing if I was running towards something, or away from
something... or someone. I tumbled and rolled down a big grassy hill,
landing with a thump at the base of a very large tree. I picked myself
up, shaking tiny purple flowers from my fur. I looked up at the tree,
it was enormous and it too was purple, even the trunk and the branches
were a deep shade of violet and it smelled heavenly. As I stood there,
awed at it's immense size and beautiful colors, I heard a small
voice...."Musty Pete? Is that you?" the faceless voice asked.

"Uh...Yeah...I am Musty Pete. Wh-Who are you?" I asked, a bit
frightened, not yet knowing if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"My name is Wysteria. I am the guardian of The Great Tree Of Hope." she
said. "Why can't I see you?" I asked. "My beauty is too great for your
eyes to behold. If you were to gaze upon my beauty you would forget
all about your one true love, Fancy Ferret. So, I dare not step out
and show myself." she warned. "Oh!" I paused to think that over for a
moment and the voice spoke to me again. "Pete? Do you believe in true
love? You know...that love that happens to us only once in a lifetime,
deep and meaningful love, like two halves coming together to make one
perfect piece." She asked me.

"Well....Yes. I suppose I do. Do you mean like the love I have for
Fancy Ferret?" I asked her.

"Yes Pete...that's exactly what I mean. What if you were to learn that
Fancy didn't love you in the same way? Would it break your heart Pete?"
She asked. "Would it break my heart? Fancy is the reason I wake up each
morning. She is the reason I help out Mr. Big at the Bridge. She is the
ONE soul I am waiting to be reunited with up here." I gasped at the
thought of losing Fancy's love. Wysteria spoke again, very quietly she
said, "She loves another."

I couldn't breathe. My eyes welled up with tears and I said, "That's
not true! NOT TRUE! Fancy loves ME!" Wysteria spoke in the faintest of
whispers, I could barely hear her. "It is true Pete. She loves
another." As tears fell from my eyes, I gasped, unable to breathe and
suddenly I woke up.

What a horrible dream. I touched my cheek and it was wet. I clutched
Francis' envelope in my paw, I had nearly crushed it. I haven't had
such a bad dream in a very long time. It took me a few moments to
collect myself. I thought about leaving but curiosity got the better
of me and I opened the lavender envelope. Inside was a small piece of
lavender note paper, and written in a dark purple ink were the words
'She loves another Pete' The note fell to the ground...how could
Francis know this? How could she predict a dream?? I did not understand
what was happening. I put the note into the pocket of my vest and
reminded myself why I had come way out here to begin with. I was
supposed to be finding Bailey, and it was getting late. I packed my
backpack and walked away from the beautiful Tree Of Hope and I wondered
if the tree itself was trying to tell me something.

I was nearing The Greater Falls and could hear the rushing water. This
is another glorious site to behold.

The Greater Falls...............Water has always been a source of power
and renewal. It's awesome force has saved nations by providing
sustenance...and destroyed civilizations through natural disasters.

In the Rainbow Bridge Community, the Falls are very special and magical
places. They feed the Pool Of Remembrance, keep lush The Meadows and
provide life toThe Great Tree Of Hope.

All ferrets, young and old have their spirits renewed by the waters
magical healing powers. Just a drop is all that is needed to mend a
broken heart or make well an injured ferret.

I walked along the main pathway and could hear laughter ahead. As I
came 'round a bend I could see several young ferts, boys and girls
alike, playing in the water. They looked so happy and carefree. A young
girlie fert noticed me and waved, "Misser Pete! Misser Pete!!" she
yelled as she flailed her arms in my direction. I waved back without
extending a greeting. My thoughts were still back at The Great Tree Of
Hope and Wysteria. I stopped to watch the youngsters, they were having
so much fun. They frolicked and splashed one another, diving behind the
waterfalls, taking cover from a splash back at them. I watched for a
few minutes then I hollered at the bunch of them, "Does anyone know of
a young fert named Bailey?" No one answered, perhaps they didn't hear
me over the din of the waterfalls. Ahem, I cleared my throat and said

A young fert stood up in the waist high water and said, "My name is

I was astonished, but was it THE Bailey I was looking for? I asked
him "Did you have to leave an Earth Mom named Kelley?"

He nodded his head and said "Yes....Why? Is she okay?" he looked
worried now.

"Oh Yes! She is fine. She misses you. A lot. And she asked me to check
on you to make sure you got here okay. Did you find any of your brother
and sister ferts that came here before you?" I asked him.

Bailey smiled and said, "Sure did!! Right over there is Hershey, and
over there is Shadow." Shadow waved a paw at me, I waved back. Bailey
said, "Can you tell our Mom Kelley that we are all okay? Let her know
we are happy! It's very nice up here and one day she will come here and
see it all for herself." He smiled at me. At that moment I smiled, a
big grin, I was so happy I had found Bailey. So happy I could let Miss
Kelley know that everything was okay. Bailey is okay. "Bailey, I am
very happy to meet you." I said, extending a large paw towards him. "I
will let Miss Kelley know that you are well. She will be very happy
to hear that, she has been worried about you." I said. Bailey waded
through the water and took my big paw in his, he said "I'm very happy
to meet you too." he smiled at me and I could see the happiness in his
eyes. "Well, now that I have found you, my work is done. I think I will
head on home, there's a warm and comfy hammie waiting for me!" I said,
everyone laughed and said "Goodbye Mister Pete!" As I turned to leave I
sighed to myself and heard those words again, "She loves another Pete."
I wondered if any of it was true, or just a dream......

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