Or at least 8 of them are. The newspaper said there were 10, but the
Humane League got 8 in.

I have spoken to the Human League. They have a very knowledgeable
ferret owner working there, so they are in good hands. She won't adopt
them to just anyone. She even recognized one of the ferrets because
Todd had adopted him/her from there. She knows Todd's vet and is
getting the records on the ferrets so they can have whatever pred,
etc., they may need.

S.O.S. will pay vet bills for any shelter that takes them in. She has
two that she usually works with, and I led her to our list. I contacted
the 5 shelters that are closest by.

This is all so sad... And the article was SO depressing... You just
never know. But Todd was WONDERFUL with ferrets, and very responsible
about not adopting more than he could care for and pay for. The kind of
ferret dad we hate to lose, regardless of his personal issues. May God
bless him.


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