>HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!! (hee, hee).
>-Miss Isabella Gucci-Jones

I'm so behind, but here goes.

Two chuckling girl ferrets, a beautiful dark sable, and a cute
cinnamon, are lining up gravy pies on a table.

Amber-Are you sure about this? I'd rather eat these than throw them.

Katia-It'll be fun. You'll see.

Miss Hiss, a stunning dark sable, comes out carrying her favorite
stuffie baby.

Miss Hiss-Now you sit right here, and you can see everything.

She looks over and sees Katia and Amber arguing.

Miss Hiss-Would you two stop that and go get the balloons for the

Suddenly Katia picks up a gravy pie to throw at Amber. Amber starts
running and looks up over the table to see where Katia has gone. A pie
comes flying at her head. She ducks just in time. The pie comes flying
by Miss Hiss' head, who quickly ducks, and lands on her favorite
stuffy's face.

Miss Hiss-Oh, now you've done it. Hello, my name is Miss Hiss. You
pied my baby. Prepare to die.

She lets out a great bark, and Popov, Misha and Kovu come running out
carrying a big pile of gravy pies.

Popov-Do we really have to throw these, they smell so good, and how
did you know to have these ready?

Miss Hiss-This is fiction chubby boy, and yes we're throwing them. The
six toed ferret pied my baby, and I must avenge it.

Misha-Oh jeeze, Mom will wash it for you.

Miss Hiss goes into slow motion, and jumps in front of her baby.

Miss Hiss-Noooooooooooooooooo. Now get busy and start throwing pies.

All three boys salute smartly, and pick up pies.

Miss Hiss-ready.

Popov is licking his pie.

Miss Hiss-Aim.

Popov is slurping his pie.

Miss Hiss-Fire!

Kovu and Misha throw their pies, but Popov is licking his pie plate
clean. Miss Hiss goes to smack Popov upside his head, when a pie hits
her in the face. She grabs a pie and gets Popov in the face. Mayhem
breaks out, as pies are flying everywhere, but soon all are licking
off the goodies, and all is quiet.

Miss Hiss-Talking between licks, release the balloons.

Popov reaches for a hanging rope. He is busy licking one paw clean, but
manages to pull the rope. A bunch of colorful balloons rise toward the
sky. A group of red ones are tied together, and say 'Happy Birthday
Robin! and 'Sorry about the mess.'

Sandy and the Dook City Gang
Rainbow Crew; Chelsea, Valentine, Jasmine, Tasha, Boris, Taz, Sugar and

[Posted in FML 5695]