Tis the season!!!

Being away from my 'family' and close friends is extremely hard. And
the winter was exceptionally difficult, being so dark and so bitterly

BUT recently I had a shocking realization. Beyond the great food (and
I'm NOT talking sushi.), Japan does have something else to offer. Like
mana from heaven...

In Japan, I can celebrate my favorite holiday, Halloween, not once but

Traditionally in Japan, the time for ghost stories and hauntings and
general scariness is in the summer, specifically August. However not
because the children are out of school and the movie makers are
thinking about making an easy buck off of bored kids. August is the
time of the "Obon" holiday, a time when the world of the dead is
closest to the world of the living, and families gather to visit
graves of their deceased relatives and pay their respects. Angry
Japanese ghosts are particularly malevolent.

So in the spirit of the holidays, I decided to translate something
I just happened to stumble upon myself-the official history of the
"Sickle Weasel". Links to the original Japanese can be found with the
article itself. The Kyoto University (Probably second only to Tokyo
University) Folklore Department sponsored that research and published
its database online for all to browse.


0.0 Happy Holidays! 0.0

And remember, as one person said, "just because they proved 'it' can
happen in that one way, they didn't do anything to disprove the sickle
weasel's existence." ^.^v


 Ferret Research:  http://ferretknots.blogspot.com/
 Ferret Resources:  http://nippynihon.blogspot.com/
 For my resume & samples of my Japanese Translations visit: 
<http://ayarei.translatorscafe.com/ OR http://www.proz.com/profile/135994>

[Posted in FML 5695]