Ouch... get off me! Little brat... no, not you all... me gotz a new
sissy here and me no happy with her. She's too hyper and young and
she's a big girl... HUSH! No, you can't talk. Why? Cuz I'M talking!
Dhis is MY post... you go get your own! Oh sure... go cry to momma...
she gonna tell you da same thing... uh oh... she went to daddy... me
gotta hurry cuz she got daddy wrapped around her paw!

Otay everbody... I talked with Ms. Auntie Kat and she says that only 11
hoomans have bought tickets for da Summer Raffle! WOW! Iz u buzy and
forgotz to getz ticketz?

Dhis rafflie is kwel cuz it got lotz of STUFF and becuz it was all
WEDDING GIFTS! That's right! Wedding Gifts for Tonks and Izzy... what
a cute couple! Me wanna get married!

Well... they gotz some nice stuff that me wanna have... so if you don't
want it... you can buy a ticket and have Auntie Kat send it to ....
Oops... momma just saw that... she say no... me can't say that... butts
you know that I want everything... so anything you pick will be otay
with me... what? Momma given me dhat evil eye again...
You can check out da cool wedding pictures at www.skweezeme.net

Now... go buyz your tickets or me gonna have ta start a begginn! Me
also wanted to tell you somedhing really important... but momma said
dhat I can tell you next time me post... so go buy some tickets...
and me tell ya next week when me postie again.

Please buy some tickets... da money goes to help ferret shelters...
and these ferret shelters could sure use some help this year...

Ok... here Daddy comes and he's holding the brat! I will take care of
her later! Gotta go hide!

Hugz & Luvz, Princess Pepper

[Posted in FML 5695]