hey everyone...

first...i need to apologize to Trixie, Melanee, and Stephanie....i am
SO far behind on the 3 afghans...2 from raffle winners...one is one
ordered/paid for...

i am SO sorry that i am so far behind...it stresses me beyond belief...
this just is NOT like me at all...

but...after living here in the south for just PART of a summer...i
have to say...i will not be taking orders for...nor offering to
make...afghans in the summer months ever again...

the heat and humidity....not even CLOSE to controlled with the 2 small
window a/c units i have...leave me and my hands and every other part of
my body soaking wet...24/7...the yarn sticks to me...LOL..the crochet
hook sticks to me...not to mention having a lapfull of BLANKET on me...

anyway...i fully intend to get these 3 done...and i am trying to as
fast as i can...right now we are having record highs here...so some
days i just can not face a lapfull of blanket over me...so it is slow

i just wanted you to know that i AM still doing them...and i have NOT
forgotten any of you...and to apologize publickly for the delays...
if any of the 3 of you has a time limit on the afghan...please let
me know...and i will see if i can work with the other 2 to get to
yours right away...it has never taken me this long to make an afghan

i am sososososososoSO sorry!!!

all 3 of these afghans were offered and order accepted in good faith...
i hope you all can understand and forgive me...


and her Krew of 12 plus one very spoiled cat....
[new moniker thanks to April]

[Posted in FML 5695]