As most of you know I hosted the raffle for Helen with helping hands
ferret rescue. During this time Helen had to adopt out and foster a lot
of her ferrets (she did have 52) so she could manage her own health
issues. Helen is a very dear friend of mine, so taking in 3 of her
ferrets was very special to me, it was like a part of Helen with me.

These 3 little guys traveled from Pennsylvania to Oklahoma, which is a
long journey for ferrets and humans. I have had them since Father's
Day. Milo is the oldest of the 3 (4) and he has recently developed a
very large tumor in his left kidney. My vet believes it could either
be carcinoma or lymphoma. We should know any day what the results are.
This tumor is large about the size of a golf ball. in turn it has
compromised his walking abilities. He can still walk but no well or
far. Bless his heart he still manages to get to the liter pan.

The only chance Milo has is to remove the left kidney. This is a
critical surgery and a costly one, but its his only chance to have a
quality life. If any one would like to help Milo you can go to my web
page and choose from wonderful bedding pieces, toys, or ferrety human
items to help with Milo's surgery. This came on very suddenly, Please
find it in heart to give Milo a second chance for a wonderful life. He
has traveled to far to leave so soon.

With purchasing bedding, toys or any item its a win-win situation, you
are helping Milo and getting something in return for yourself or your
ferrets. here is the link
Crazyferretmom  (julie johnson) and the 13 fuzzbutts

Memory of Sidney Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, Roscoe, & Fiona
Only gone in body, not spirit.

please check out my quality, affordable bedding

[Posted in FML 5692]