I spoke to Helen last on the phone. She went to see her Oncologist
yesterday. The plan is, she started her Chemo yesterday and will be
doing that for 2 months, then she will go back and they will check the
bone marrow to see how it is responding to the Chemo. If it does well
then they will proceed with the stem cell transplant, if not she will
stay on the chemo longer. She is taking the chemo by pills along with
a long list of other pills. She told me the names of them but there
is so many its crazy. She has a chart so she can keep up with it.

Her spirits are good, and she sounds more like the old Helen, before
when I would talk to her she was down and in so much pain she sounded
awful. Today she will be getting her stitches out of her shoulder and
then starting physical therapy soon. She has a rough road ahead of her,
she worries so much how she is going to handle everything, the medicine
copays are ridiculous, one prescription alone copay was over 200
dollars. She was also telling the house next to them is their rent
house and the people living in up and left, left the plays total
destroyed. Spray painted demonic stuff on the walls, the house will
need to be gutted and redone before it could ever be rented again.

Helen just amazes me, the things that has endured in her life, she has
been through a lot, more then most of us can imagine. Most would have
been broken down from everything, but she still stays strong, her body
may be frail but her faith and spirit is strong.

Please everyone keep her in your prayers and thoughts. Also a BIG thank
you for all of those who participated in the raffle, through your love
, and kindness you have made a big difference in Helen's life and

Crazyferretmom (julie johnson) and the 11 fuzzbutts memory of Sidney
Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, and Roscoe

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He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot
forget falls drop by drop upon the heart. And in our own despair, and
against our will, comes Wisdom by the awful Grace of God...Aeschylus

[Posted in FML 5658]