Here I go again!

PLEASE Check on current and propsed legislation in your states for
"humane laws regulating ownership of pets! Guardianship is on the move
again! I HAVE to say that it is my very educated opinion that ADVOCATES
better serve ferrets and other companion animals than ACTIVISTS!! You
will see post after post touting animal activists and the pursuit of
guardianship for the benefit of animals.

HOWEVER whether your pet is a ferret, a cat a dog, one things the
Activists don't tell you is about the "guardianship" move to take YOUR
RIGHTS away as an owner. It has been done in many states over the past
few years that activists take away someone's pets for "just cause"
which is heresay complaints ( usually by a disgruntled neighbor) and
then it is up to the pets owner to put up a legal battle to prove
himself / herself right.

How many of us can invest tens of thousands of dollars to fight the
ORGANIZED ACTIVISTS? ( HSUS/ PETA/ Humane?) not many .

And in cases in VT, NH and MA over the past 3 years - the former
owners, alleged abusers were found innocent 2-3 years later, after
putting homes etc., up for funds to defend them selves only to have
lost their pets to adoptions, and transfers by humane agents! There
is certainly something rotten in the US when political organizations
instead of working for the greater good, work towards a no pet
ownership state. I bring this up now why?

Because in Washington DC a new bill is in the works-- ( all 40
something pages of it) it is a guardianship law-- and if you see
it thorough you can bet they will revise it in a year or two and
guardianship/owners will revert to guardian.. which means you are
obligated to provide care for animals you purchase-- according to
the state organization which is deemed in control.

Just think about this.. pet ownership now being controlled by political
organizations- and guess what funded by your donor dollars. I think
folks really need to look deep inside themselves and maybe start
stepping back from the HSUS/PETA'S movement which publicly admits
activism as a means to accomplish their good. Can anyone out there
remember Greenpeace.???. and what happened when they turned up the
activism approach.

ADVOCACY- working for the good of animals is a better way to go via
education etc. Advocacy may mean teaching owners how to care instead
of ripping the pets away- may mean educating the public so they don't
take on responsibilities as owners they cannot commit to.

Advocates work for the greater good which IMO is co-existance with
domesticated animals, good moral and ethical cores to help provide
humane treatment of animals.

That is STILL the route I follow and I hope many of you will start
assessing the direction your support will go in. DO NOT believe if you
leave it up to the big organization they will invest your faith & funds
to do it right -- they may end up stinging you in the back side.. Again
My personal opinion but please beware their is an undercurrent active
which could once again pets and relationships with their caretakers...
it is very hard too UNDO legislation-- it is better to nip it before
the plan gets it's roots dug in.

Wishing you and all the fur kids well,

Alicia Drakiotes

[Posted in FML 5685]