The AFS received a call from a lady living in Eden Prairie who is
looking for a ferret-wise vet to properly diagnose and treat her 3
year old ferret. She says that Eden Prairie is a suburb of St Paul,

The ferret has apparently lost the use of her back legs and needs to
have her bladder expressed. She has been to two vets so far (neither of
them ferret-wise). She was told that the ferret has a ruptured disk in
its back so when she called she was looking for a vet that could do the
surgery. I suggested that she find a ferret-wise vet and have another
consultation first.

So, if you know of a ferret-wise vet in this area please email Erika
directly at [log in to unmask] or myself and I will phone her and pass
the information on.

Barb Hoult
Alberta Ferret Society

[Posted in FML 5658]