>I am wondering if anyone else thinks the design of this cage leaves
>something to be desired.


I have the Super Pet Ferret Kingdom--the one that is 3 x 3 x 5. I hate
the grooves. There is nothing worse than scraping out poop and kibble
that has been mixed with pee and water that has been trapped into the
groove. Gag! My method: Scrape the offensive material loose using a
plastic knife. Wear long gloves because blowback happens. Use specially
designated "ferret vaccuum" to remove ickiness. Pop out shelf and
carefully remove from cage. Make sure the door is closed otherwise the
ferrets insist on investigating the missing shelf. Wash in tub and
pray you can get the shelf snapped back in place. This takes about 30
minutes. I learned the hard way that if you pop it out to clean it,
the ickiness flys all over the place and seems to always come toward
my face/mouth. Double Gag!

I also hate the fact that the door is so small that I have to vaccuum
out used litter (again with the specially designated ferret vaccuum)
and wipe the pan clean with paper towels.

Luckily I have small shoulders and I can sorta squeeze myself through
the door to hang the hammies but it doesn't feel good to do it. I make
sure that I've cleaned everything first because invaribly my nose ends
up right over the litterbox.

It was only our second cage purchase which quickly followed the first
due to ferret math. We'll definitely know what to look for though next
time we buy!

I also hate that it is held together by ridiculously small plastic
clips that stretch out so easily. We've only had to disassemble ours
once and half of them are shot. I guess next time we put it together
we will have to use electrical ties!

Joy (mom to Pippin, Gimli, and Sofie)

[Posted in FML 5681]