Hello All,

I am trying to decide if I want to move or not. The house I can move
to is twice as big as the one I am in but my kids would be upstairs as
there are no bedrooms downstairs. The house is a tri-level so they
really would be on the third floor. There is central heat and air but
it just seems like it would be too hot even with that for them to be
upstairs in the summer. What if the A/C went out while I was gone my
babies might die before I got home? (my A/C was out the last two days
so that is fresh in my mind). I am in Northern CA we have an average of
15 days a year where it is over 100 but is rarely over 105. I bought
the house. I just need to try and decide to rent it out or sell it or
live in it. My fur children come first. BUT, it is a beautiful house in
a neighborhood where they don't play rap music all night long shaking
my windows, like where I live now!

Any advice as to living with ferrets on third story housing would be
greatly appreciated. You can post here or e-mail me off-list which ever
you prefer,

Thanks in bunches,
Mary Jo

[Posted in FML 5681]