>Moose cuddled with us for hours at the vet and then we had to let
>him go. I can only hope that God forgives me for the decision I had
>to make. I hope Moose forgives me when I get to the other side.


What is there to forgive? Moose died in loving hands and it was the
only humane way for him to depart. You saved him from a painful death
and he is now free of pain and suffering. You gave him a gift, not
something to be ashamed of. I too am a christian, and I too honor life
but there comes a time when the best we can do is to offer a painfree
end to this life and move on to the next. I have had to do this many
times since I choose to run a Rescue. It isn't ever an easy decision
to make but it is the right one in times of pain and suffering. Take
comfort in knowing you did what was right for Moose. He is not free
of pain and he is waiting for you on the other side.

Best to you and yours.

Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5680]