Late last week, the cable guy came to fix our cable. When he saw the
ferret cage, he said, "Oh, ferrets... those are mean." My husband tried
to tell him that they're loving animals who enjoy human interaction and
play games, etc. The guy wouldn't hear it and said, "My buddy had one
that attacked his cat and chewed the cat's leg off."

!!!!???!??!?!?!? At that point, my hubby realized this guy was a total
moron (eventually proven when he couldn't fix our cable) and stopped
trying to argue with him.

I'd just never heard anything quite so bad personally. There are always
horrible stories about most animals, ferrets being targets as much as
any because many people have no exposure to or understanding of them.
But this one hit closer to home and really bugged me.

Had to share with you guys, as you know the truth about ferrets. I
took the "mean" little guys out the next morning and got showered
with kisses and "ankle-hugs" from all of them. LOL


[Posted in FML 5679]