Why is it so hard to say goodbye. Even when you know the end is near.
This morning my little Pumpkin had past on. I wish I was there to hold
her and tell her it was ok. I almost had to find another home for my
girls at one point, but then was lucky enough to keep them. They have
had a somewhat stressful life with almost a move every year for 5
years. She was a young girl at only 6 years old.. though my vet says
that is a long life for a ferret. She used to lay on her back for a
treat when you would tell her to be cute. She was the smartest of my
4. She has left behind her 3 buddies, Monkey, Ruby and Cocoa and her
mommy and daddy.

I will miss you my sweet Punky... your kisses... your eager face... I
just hope you were happy.

Rest in peace my dearest till we meet again.

[Posted in FML 5657]