Before I post the links, I want to share THREE personal experiences
resulting from the show. Let me share that I had a previous commitment,
so I set the VCR to record it and when I got home discovered that I had
put the wrong date it and missed it. Duh! BUT . . .

1. At the event I attended I ran into a former colleague (not known for
her compassion or support) who told me all about the show and said she
was recording it for me in case I was not aware of it! And, she was so

2. My mom called as soon as it was over and asked if I had seen it. I
called her back on my way home and she told me she thought it was a
great show.

3. My daughter called this morning to tell me that she was recording it
and would make a DVD for me to watch. She tuned in after 15 minutes and
thought is was really good.

So, what happened in YOUR life as a result of this show?

Now, here is what the others had to say about it:

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5674]