The wonderful ferret in the pocket t-shirts that I won from the raffle
arrived today, YEAH!!! I love them, I had 1 that I had bought quite
a while back and I was so glad to another couple, mine was getting
wore out! I get so many comments when I wear it and it is a great
opportunity to let people know about our fuzzies. I hope that everyone
goes and looks at them at the Ferretwise store, they are beautiful, my
husband said he would wear one if it was a different color, guess it
looks too much like a girl shirt for him!! Thanks again Alicia and God
bless you for all you do in taking care of your babies.

My deepest sympathies to all who have lost their little fur loves
lately, I pray that all of you will find peace with knowing that
they are with God and free from pain now.

God's blessings to all,
Julie, Noni & Sammy

[Posted in FML 5673]