Hi folks, dis is SaraFerret with a very belated notice (sowwy).

One day I was just laying by de bridge entrance just resting when de
little boy courier came by, dropped a note on my nose and quickly
escaped barely before I could rouse myself and say someting to him.
I opened de note and woke completelys up. And quicks went to wait for
de next crosser.

Dere she comes. Trots just as fast as possible almost running. Almost
like being chased. Wowsie, she finally makes it. She introduces herself
to me, and says, Hi, I am Princess Peapie and I belongs to Mommy Tara
and she says I would be met by a greeter. Are you de greeter. You dont
looks much like a greeter. Am I in de right place.

I looks at her and says, Yeps, you are in de right place, you have
crossed de Rainbow Bridge and I am de bridge greeter and my name is
SaraFerret and I may not look like a greeter, but whats you see is
whats you get. Not everyone here is perfect, but we are here.

Den Princess looks at me and says, OOPS! Sowwy, I guess I makes a
mistakes. I best watches myself. I donts want to starts off bad.

I says, Dont worry, All of us can say whats we want at de beginning.
Its just de shock of passing. We all go thru dat. Why were you running
so fast anyway. I hasnt seen a ferret run dat fast to cross de bridge
in a long time.

Princess says, Well de vet kinda scares me, but Mommy says dat I should
just ignore it all and just go so I just did and ran across de bridge
as fast as possible. So it didnt hurt at all. I found out something
else too. I can wet all by myself now and its a gweat feeling. I hasnt
felt dis good for awhile. Its lousy not being able to wet by myself.

(A big puddle appears by my feets and on my feets and I just sighs) One
day I will learn.

All of a sudden, a ferret named Jynx came by and sneaked up behind
Princess and dooked at her and almost scared her. When Princess saw
her she leapt for joy. At last, someone she knew. She wasnt alone.
Together they discussed what color of wings she should get. Decisions,
decisions, such major decisions. The most important one. Finally it
was made. Den we all went together over to de wing house. Dere in de
doorway was Auntie Mary Ferret wit a big box in her paws. She invited
us all in and handed little Princess de box. Princess almost fell over
wit de weight. She opens de box and took out de wings. PINK WINGS! We
helped her on wit dem. We fitted de halo on her. She trotted over to
de mirror and looked at her reflection and smiled for de first time in
a long time. At last her fur was fluffy and she felt good. No pain or
aches or suffering and she looks pretty.

Den we walked out of dere and stopped by de misting pond on de way to
de Welcome to de Bridge Party. I swished de water around and she could
see home. She threw kisses (so did Jynx) and dey landed on a shooting
star which could take a while to reach her Mommy Tara. So by de time,
her Mommy should read dis, she probably will receive de kisses and will
know by de musty smell on her cheek and de whiskery scratch dere.

And so ended another day at de bridge.


[Posted in FML 5672]