In light of Susann Thiel's excellent presentation, I thought I would
share this new hit to an old tune with you:

On the First Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a WATER CONTAINER.
Having an ample supply of clean water is a priority in an emergency.
[It is anticipated that you will need 1 (one) gallon of water per
person per day for food preparation, drinking and personal hygiene.
Prepare for a minimum of 3 (three) days. Don't forget water for your

On the Second Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a NOAA WEATHER
RADIO. A Weather Radio provides continuous broadcasts of weather
information from a National Weather Service Forecast Office. During
severe weather, special watch and warning messages are issued. Battery
and crank-powered radios are available from the Red Cross Store.

On the Third Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a FIRE
EXTINGUISHER. Install A-B-C type Fire Extinguishers in your home
and teach all household members how to use them.

On the Fourth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase PLASTIC SHEETING.
Plastic sheeting is a vital part of a Family Disaster Supplies Kit.
Disaster Supplies Kits may be made at home or purchased from the Red
Cross Store.

On the Fifth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a supply of CANNED
FOOD. Store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. [Did
you remember to include food for your pets?]

On the Sixth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you review your electrical
usage and consider the purchase of a GENERATOR. A generator can be a
convenient source of power after a hurricane strikes, especially if you
have electrically powered medical equipment or a well with an electric
pump. Generators should be properly installed and used safely.

On the Seventh Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a FLASHLIGHT. As
simple as a Flashlight is, it can become a very important tool during
and after disaster strikes. Every Family Disaster Supplies Kit should
contain a Flashlight and spare batteries. Make your own kit or buy one
at the Red Cross Store.

On the Eighth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a complete FAMILY
DISASTER SUPPLIES KIT. A family will cope best by preparing for a
disaster before it strikes. One way to prepare is by assembling a
Family Disaster Supplies Kit. Once disaster hits, you won't have
time to shop and search for supplies. Shop for a kit at the Red
Cross Store. [Don't forget to include supplies for your pets.]

On the Ninth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a SLEEPING BAG.
If you have to evacuate your home, a sleeping bag will provide you
with extra comfort when you arrive at an American Red Cross shelter.

On the Tenth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase a FIRST AID KIT.
Because the first five minutes of a medical emergency are critical
every individual and family should have a First Aid Kit in their home
and vehicle and on their boat. Check out the kits available from the
Red Cross Store.

On the Eleventh Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase needed supplies to
PROTECT WINDOWS AND DOORS against wind damage. Installing hurricane
shutters on all windows of a home will help to mitigate the damage due
to a storm's severe winds.

On the Twelfth Day of Hurricane Preparedness
The American Red Cross recommends that you purchase DUCT TAPE. Duct
tape is one of the many items that should be in a Family Disaster
Supplies Kit. Check out the kits available from the Red Cross Store.

Thanks to my local Red Cross Chapter (
for the basics (including wonderful links that do not transfer). [I (RD)
added the information in brackets]. For additional information, please
check out the Red Cross (link below my name).

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5671]