On 7/15/07,  [log in to unmask] wrote:

>And did Leka the Lovely really jump out of the cake?

Moi? I don't THINK so! I was with Miss Issy and all the other fine
ferret girls at the bachelorette party! The idea . . .

AND Wolfy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear Leka the Lovely,
>Make sure you bring lots of raisons to the party because you will need
>them to stick in the fur and thong of the buff stripper that is coming.
>Your part to play will be to act all shocked and scared. "Oh please,
>officer, please don't confiscate me little ole Leka the Lovely," is
>the proper reply even though deep inside you'll be saying, "Oh God
>PLEASE arrest me, you hot stuff muffin, you".

Oh, Miss Oracle, ma'am, THANK you so much for the wonderful advise you
gave be. I took LOTS or raisins and it's a good thing I did. Nobody
else remembered any and that Black-footie, Mr. 03-080, was so GLAD to
have a sweet little treat. He was so nice to me! Even offered to take
me to see Mr. Travis (it WAS his birthday, you know).

This was so much fun! I sure wish I could do this again! Thank you,
Miss Issy for letting me be a part of it. I have to admit, though,
that my lovely dress is a little snug now. Why do you think that is?

You just cannot believe what these stink boys say:
>Marco and Polo here:
>We saw the whole thing we decide to stay up and spy on the girls.....
>and take pictures for blackmail.
>It was so crazy we forgot to take pictures....if we did the only girl
>we would be able to blackmail would be that Leka girl.....did she go
>home with 03-080?

Well, IF I did - and I am NOT saying I did, mind you! - it was only so
I could say Happy Birthday to Mr. Travis in weasel!

Leka, the Lovely
Did you see me in Portland?
June 22 - 24, 2007
International Ferret Symposium

[Posted in FML 5670]