My ferret Angel started getting dehydrated on Saturday. She was worse
when I came home on Saturday night. I stayed with her, gave her SQ
fluids, and slept next to her on the floor with her in her crinkle

She was eating Saturday night. Now, she is just barely drinking and not
eating anything at all. Since it's Sunday, there are no ferret vets
open - just emergency vets who pretend they are. She is also no longer
urinating since Saturday night. Before that, she was peeing and
defecating, but now....she is just defecating. I think it's simply
because I can't get a lot of water into her.

I am going to try to get her through the night. Her breathing has been
faster than normal. She just looks awful, but still has a spark left,
though very small.

I know that I will get to the vet tomorrow and most likely she will be
diagnosed with renal failure and multiple other things (she was adrenal
and her abdomen was very large)....she had her adrenal surgery in
October/September and was just put on Lupron last month.

I have given her some Buprinex but I know she still feels rotten, but I
am not sure whether to take her to get put to sleep right now, or wait
until I can see the ferret vet tomorrow.

Anyway, please if you can say a prayer for her, we need it.


[Posted in FML 5670]