Dear Leka the Lovely,

Make sure you bring lots of raisons to the party because you will need
them to stick in the fur and thong of the buff stripper that is coming.
The more raisons you give him, the more lap dances you'll get. I'm not
sure who will barge through the door gyrating and grinding but be
assured that some studly hob will. Don't be alarmed however, because
he might be dressed as a California Fish and Game agent to arrest you.
It's not real, he is just in disguise and that's just part of the show.
Your part to play will be to act all shocked and scared. "Oh please,
officer, please don't confiscate me little ole Leka the Lovely," is the
proper reply even though deep inside you'll be saying, "Oh God PLEASE
arrest me, you hot stuff muffin, you".

Bring gag gifts. Gifts are given to the bride to be. They tend to be
things for the honeymoon, like body ferretone to drip all over
themselves and to lick off, negligees, and things like that in nature.
Bring an appetite too because girls typically pig out while they sit
in a circle, dook and giggle watching the bride to be opening her
presents. There should be yummy cake there ... a big yummy cake. Bring
your sense of adventure because there will be fun, silly, girly games
to play as well.

The Great Ferret Oracle

[Posted in FML 5669]