I have not had a ferret that has had heartworm, but a few months ago
I saw a picture of heartworms in a dead ferret's heart. They took up
almost the entire cavity. It was enough to scare me straight, and our
ferrets will never be without their monthly dose of Revolution (cat,
5-15 lb. size) during the months when mosquitos are out and alive in
our area (New England). Heartworm is spread by mosquitos, so if a
mosquito can get to your ferrets, then they can get heartworms. Yo
can get Revolution for about $10 per month. Pretty cheap insurance for
this nasty parasite that, from what I understand, is almost certainly
a death sentence if your ferret gets it.

In Memory of Neo
Caring for Trinny, Morphy, and Baby Girl

[Posted in FML 5668]