
YES, ferrets CAN recover from screaming seizures. You need to remember
that there can be different reasons for the seizures though, not just

With Insulinoma, some times the drooling and staring in to space is not
present, but you should have your ferrets glucose checked periodically
anyway. If it is found that your ferret has insulinoma, you need to
follow your vets prodical for treatment.

I have a V-Hob named Liberty's Freedom Spirit who went through
screaming seizures a few weeks ago. Spirit has had Insulinoma for
about a year now. When his seizure started we gave him an injection
of Dexamethasone and it took about an hour for him to recover. After
that he was back to his old self again.

You need to remember that ferrets have not read the medical books on
them so they may not always have the classic symptoms for the


[Posted in FML 5668]