The question was asked:

>Do any ferrets ever recover after having these screaming seizures? Can
>they be stabilized and go on to live semi-normal lives? Are seizures a
>progression of insulinoma? >Certainly they give other signs first such
>as drooling, staring, acting spacey.>
While I haven't had a ferret that seizured from low blood glucose, I
have lost two following vocal seizures over the years. According to my
vet, one was attributed to heart, the other to liver failure. I lost a
third to a diabetic related seizure, but he was silent, just twitching.
All are horrible ways to see your ferret in it's final moments.

I just wanted everyone to be aware that insulinoma isn't the only
disease that can cause seizures. It is also my understanding that
anytime there is a low bg seizure, there can be brain damage. To
what extent, I do not know.


Julie Fossa 
West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
International Ferret Congress

[Posted in FML 5668]