[log in to unmask] wrote:
>As for heartworms, (I apologize if anybody's babies have had them) HAS
>anybody had heartworms in their ferrets? I asked my Vet this...and she
>honestly said no, she has never come across any!
>Joan and 5 "good smellin' Fuzzies

Joan, long before I had ferrts I was introduced to heartworms. My vet
in Louisiana kept a jar with a FERRET heart totally infested with
heartworms on a shelf in an exam room. We treat with Ivermectin.

So, if your vet has never come across heartworm in ferrets, fantastic.
But, unless the ferrets were tested for heartworm, HOW can she say this
has never occurred? Ask her instead if she has ever tried to find them
and if SHE were the patient, would she accept what she has done as
proof that no ferrets with heartworm have ever crossed the threshold?

NEVER be afraid to ask the vet for reasons they come to the conclusions
they do. It does NOT mean you do not trust or doubt them, but that you
are trying to understand why something is being done. I have had vets I
trust tell me it was a gut feeling - and I can live with that. NOBODY
knows everything and NOBODY is perfect, including the vet. A pedestal
is a mighty lofty perch from which to fall and when you put someone up
there and add a little agitation (stress, concern, fear), it is bound
to happen. Better to help them stay grounded by treating them like the
wonderful human trying to help your pet they are.

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5667]