Begin forwarded message:

 X-From: Travis Livieri <[log in to unmask]>
 X-Date: July 11, 2007 5:34:57 PM EDT
 X-To: [log in to unmask]
 X-Subject: Prairie dog poisoning in South Dakota

As you may know, the US Forest Service has proposed poisoning of
prairie dogs in South Dakota at the most successful restoration site of
the black-footed ferret. This is on federal public lands owned by all
US citizens. The poisoning proposal is politically motivated, largely
by the agricultural industry, and could have devastating effects on the
largest black-footed ferret population. The US Forest Service released
a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) detailing the proposal
and is taking public comments until July 23rd. So if you oppose the
poisoning of prairie dogs on your federal lands now is the time for
your voice to be heard. You can either write a personalized comment or
sign on to comments made by environmental organizations (links below).

To read the proposal by the US Forest Service and write a personalized

To sign on to comments by the Defenders of Wildlife:

To sign on to comments by the National Wildlife Federation:>

To sign on to comments by World Wildlife Fund:

I encourage you to make your voice heard and pass this information
along to anyone else who may be interested in commenting.

Thanks for your time,

Travis Livieri
Executive Director
Prairie Wildlife Research
P.O. Box 308
Wellington, CO 80549
(970) 897-2273
[log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 5666]