July 2007 
Master Largoƕs News 
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge 

Possum Here: OKAY!!! Hold it right there!! I was not told I had to
dress up to be in the wedding! Just whose big idea was the dress up? I
mean yeah; the gown and flowers got here, they are gorgeous, BUT now
you want me to wear this stuff? You have got to be out of your gourd!
I am already wearing a fur coat why in the world would I wear a dress
over that coat?

Suzie Q here: Well I guess I need to do the news, Possum is off on one
of her tangents. The weekend after clinic, Miss Eileen and family
brought Sir Biscuit and Sir Gravy to play in the play yard. The boys
came from our shelter. The boys family came to help fix the play yard
the weekend before; they love to come play in the play yard. Then on
Sunday June 10th 3 new kids came in from Buffalo, they were living in
a neglect situation so Heather got them out of there and brought them
here for mum to make better. Miss Kristie, Miss Rikki came to help that
same day. Kristie swept; then mum mopped floors, Rikki mixed food and
just generally helped mum get things done. Mum locked up the house,
went to plop down early after the new fur kids got here. Mum heard a
noise down stairs so she went to find out what was making that noise.
Mum found Miss Frieda from Bolivar here to say hi. Bolivar is far away
from Naples so mum was pretty surprised to find her at our door. Waving
at you Miss Frieda.

Possum Here: Hey! Hey! You stop that! This is my news you can't start
the news! I start the news! I am going to tell some news. News you know
nothing about!

Suzie Q here: What do you mean I can't start the news? I did start the
news! All you wanted to do is complain about dressing up. If you want
to do the news; stop your complaining and do your part of the news! Oh!
oh when we posted the link for the pictures last month; you know the
ones with all the clinic pictures on it? We found out 1,336 humans
looked at our clinic pictures! Holy Moly! Here it is again case you
missed it!


Soon as mum figures out how to get the pictures off the camera mums 2
legged furless kid and his Lisa gaved her for Christmas; she will send
symposium pictures to Mr. Harry so he can get them on there for you to
look at too. Mr. Harry does that for mum.

Possum Here: my turn! So I told you all last month that I would fill
you in on the symposium when mum got home! Mum is home! She is finally
back to being our mum! She came home sooo tired. The very first day
mum was in Portland Miss Lynne and mr. Ross camed all the way from
Washington state to meet my mum. I wanted to go but mum said I could
not fly on the air plane. I think that is a stupid rule. Miss Lynne and
Mr. Ross spent a good part of the day with mum. They even took her to
the grocery store so she could get some juice. Mum says that she has so
many wonderful shelter friends all over the country! We are so blessed.
Mum got a present from miss Lynne while she was there. Miss lynne made
mum a ferret stained glass piece. That picture will be on the webshots
site too.

I will give you lots of news. Hee hee; I will be reporting the news
on the symposium (not Suzie Q) because I know what was going on all
weekend long. See Miss Isabella was getting phone calls from her mom,
Miss April; Miss Issy was text messaging me all weekend long keeping
me informed on what was happening as well as what my mum was up too.

Psst please! Please! Don't tell Miss April cause Miss Issy is not
suppose to be texting anyone, she got grounded the last time she did.
Okay First Miss Issy told me all about the new products that
Performance food is making; that is where her mom works. Anyway they
have some really good stuffs so you need to check it out!!! Here is
their phone number 877-545-5462 give Miss April a call, tell her you
want some of that new stuff she has there.

Mum learned lots, ate lots (there was lots of food mum could eat) she
got to see humans she has never met and got to see humans she has seen
at other functions. so mum spent time catching up on things from the
last time they saw each other, and got to know the new ones that were

Everyone worked really hard to make sure everyone that came had a good
time and learned lots. Miss Renee told everyone they had to turn off
their cell phone; mum went to do that and found hers was on silent.
Mum had to go see Mr. Big to get it off silent cause she did not know
how to fix it. Thanks Mr. Big! Miss Renee tooks mums store stuff to
Portland for mum cause Mum had to go fly like a bird to get there.

Suzie Q here: She did not! mum took an air plane to get there.

Possum Here: Yeah right but she was still up in the air like a bird!
Miss Sue B and Mr. Neil met mum at the Chicago airport, they went to
have dinner cause there was lots of time mum had to wait to get on the
other plane. Hey suzz You happy now? They even met mum there on the
way home too.

There were lots of really smart ferret doc's that did presentations;
even my far away mom did a presentation on Ferrets in disasters. Then
the good man that is working to save our cousins the black footed
ferret was there too. There were 3 information filled days. If you
have never been to a I.F.C. symposium you have got to go check it out!

Mum and Miss Danee went out to dinner with my far away mom and dad. Mum
and Danee, roomed together. That was lots of fun mum and Miss Dannee
talked and talked through the night. Gee maybe that is why mum was so
tired when she got home. There was a dinner and celebrity auction to
benefit IFC and S.O.S. that was lots of fun. Mum even got into the

Suzie Q here: Okay my turn. On July 21 and 22 the ferret club is having
a huge yard sale to benefit us kids here at the shelter. Miss Kristie
is hosting it at her house; there are some really cool collector items
that have been donated to us to make money. We need a new roof, and
Miss Kristie is determined to get us one. (her words not mine) She says
it is going to get fixed or else. I am not sure what "or else" means
but I do know that when it rains we get mighty wet. Mum had strong like
bull Trevor put blue things on our roof to keep it from leaking but we
need more blue things to do that. Here is the club address if you want
to know more about the sale or you have thing to donate for the sale.


Possum Here: Okay it is time to close this news. We will catch you up
on things next month.

Suzie Q here: no it is not! I still have things to tell. Mum is doing
a summer run so she is back to working the big yellow thingy. She was
going to take the summer off but we eat too much for her to do that.
Okay now it is time to close.

Suzie Q here: Until next month.......

Possum Here: well don't you think you are smart? Okay until next

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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