>Picture a silly 43 year old man sitting on the floor with his feet
>sprawled out and toy bongo drums in between his legs. He was clapping
>and beating on them playing Donkey Kong.

Oh, THANK you for posting this!! I'm delighted to find that I'm not the
only video-widow on the planet, harnessed with a (thirtysomething, in
this case) goofy husband who can't seem to push his inner child out of
the limelight. I don't recall the marriage vows saying anything about
"in sickness and in health, in mental regression and tendencies toward
overdeveloping second childhood."

Not only does mine play video games and glue his face to the computer
monitor for many hours after working ten-hour shifts; he is the biggest
sappy slob about HIS ferret, Pixie. Last year, when she went walkabout
for seven days, he was the biggest baby on the planet. He practically
curled up in fetal position and was comatose until a neighbor
thoughtfully called me to say our little girl was safe with her, where
she'd been since the little furball had disappeared.

Currently, our main game system (PS2) is in a part of the house
off-limits to carpet-muncherz, so they can no longer assist him when he
plays...but, you know fuzzies; they can always find SOMEthing to amuse
themselves. In this case, Pixie loves to crawl up his leg to reach his
keyboard when he's cerebrally attached to his computer...

Perhaps removal of the videobellum portion of the brain would help?

Ahhh, men!

~Eri in Texas

[Posted in FML 5664]