I have a weird situation with no good solutions, so I'd like to make
the best of this.

I got my first fuzzy in 1996 and from 1996-2004 had four ferrets almost
always. I adopted them as adults and so had many sweet faces with me
during that time. In 2004, with older and elderly ferrets, my husband
and I decided to not adopt any more and have a planned end of
ferretness when I lost the last of my babies. At least for the time, we
decided it would be best, as we are pilots and travel frequently, have
a dog who's scared to death of them, move regularly....oh, the list
goes on, but comes down to we just aren't a good home for ferrets right
now. We want ferrets again some day...just not now.

Well, a young woman came along in 2005, via my dad's equine vet. She
was in desperate need of a foster home for her ferret (Mappy), for
about a year, whilst she sorted our financial problems and lived with
her parents. I agreed to take Mappy in and to give her back when she
was ready. At the time, two of my ferrets were still with me, so
making it three wasn't a big deal. She called a few times to see how
her ferret was, and sent Mappy some care boxes. She was woefully
mis-educated on ferrets and would send bird treats, with a note saying
they were Mappy's favorite thing in the world. She meant well, she
really did. Well, the last I heard from her, she had gotten an apt with
her brother and they had taken in the aggressive dog that her parents
had (and had been the reason for her needing a foster home in the first
place). So, basically, she had no foreseeable date to take Mappy back
and made no mention of wanting her back.. During these two years that
I've had Mappy, both of my ferrets have passed on.

I've been very torn as to how to handle Mappy for a little bit now,
since I spoke to her 'owner', but neither DH nor I know what to do.
In the past few days, things have 'blown up' so to speak, and we are
finding ourselves changing jobs and moving 1700 miles away. I am unable
to reach the woman at all. The number doesn't work and I can't find her

Mappy's an awesome little girl, with good potty habits, is not a biter,
but I have no attachment to her. She and my 2.5 yr old son get along
very well, but I just don't know....I feel so overwhelmed and REALLY
don't want to be responsible for someone else's ferret for potentially
6 more years. (She's only 3 yrs old.)

What in the heck should I do?!? Sorry this post is so long....I want to
do the right thing for her....I feel so bad that there wasn't a more
formal plan put into place when the fostering situation started. :(
We could have avoided this whole mess.

Upset and worried...not even sure I've covered the whole thing....


[Posted in FML 5663]