Dear Mz Bizzy,

Wednesday here, and sometimes the boys just ackt stoopit. Day is nuthin
you can do. You can try and try but dey is not good wedding candidates.
I guess our Mommas was lucky dey marries dem at all.

With the scruntched up face, maybe some ferretone on der wiskers would
do it. It is hard to tell.

If you find a way to get dem boys to pose, we all want to hear.

Be kind to Ms. Gucci - she have her paws full with her man. Dem
huzzybins is hard to deal wif specially when you worked hard all
day wif the kits while dey lays around resting. You is pooped, an
you crawl into de hammy and dey wants to dance!

Wednesday at Ledoux Hospice

[Posted in FML 5660]