Dante expectantly ran to the window to see what was making all that
noise! He looked very disappointed when he couldn't see anything. I
jumped when a big boom went off and got an odd look from a ferret
wandering by.

We had a rainstorm around 2:30, it got very dark and the thunder
started rolling. I was outside mowing the lawn. The rain poured down
from the sky, I got drenched but I continued mowing the yard determined
to finish the task at hand, that was till I got close to the tree. Now
if I remember correctly trees and lightning don't go well together, so
I relented and left the patch around the tree for another day.

As I stepped through the door to the enclosure I was encased in ankle
deep water. Might as well make good use of it so I grabbed the broom
and swept the enclosure as clean as I could in ankle deep water. Where
were the fuzzies? Standing at the back door in the dry entryway
watching me and I swear I saw one or two shake their fuzzy little

Our neighborhood is very noisy during the July 4th celebration and all
the fuzzies took it in stride. In fact I didn't notice any difference
in their typical activity patterns.


[Posted in FML 5660]