I also wanted to say that included on the FML at times, are the lives
and issues regarding members of this forum as it affects ferrets or the
other members in some way. This forum is a community, not a robotic
machine that only caters to hard factual information about the ferret.
I don't just want to read about food recalls from Sukie. I also want
to know if Sukie Crandall is ailing as well because it affects her
animals, it affects others in the forum with how she can or cannot help
them or contribute to Ferrets magazine, etc.. She is our friend, we are
a community, so it matters.

I can understand why someone would think that the wedding posts are
stupid. Cool. I can understand if they were just curious as to why the
thread has kept going on as long as it has, and why the interest in
them. Cool. Glad they took the time to ask. Many people might not be
clued in. But, I don't understand why someone would be offended by
them, and I don't understand why they'd keep reading them if they
bothered them. I don't mind hearing peoples opinions even if they are
negative. I love questioning things. But I don't love coming to the
FML and hearing someone put someone else down for their interest or
for what they find joy in.


[Posted in FML 5627]