In our household we've had the following general terms:

Spawn of Satan or Hellspawn (really a term of endearment - seriously!
Friends laugh at the tone in which I say it. "He's such a cute little

Wee Heinous Beasties (must be spoken with Irish brogue)

Carpet sharks or carpet piranha (I think the size and ferocity is
closer to a piranha)

Fang (for individuals who are being nippy)

Vlad (as in the impaler)




Furry children

Individual ferrets:

Pooh - was often called Pooh Bear, Poozer (from an obscure Dr. Seuss
book - morphed into Poozle by a friend)

Tigger - was often called little bit, by my husband sometimes called
little bit-h, or daddy's little bit-hy girl (censored for your
protection) - it was a term of affection

Sprite - our special child, our blonde ferret (she was sweet but not
overly bright)

Icarus - Icky, Icky Pooh

Cato - thinks his name is "stop that dammit" (wants my constant
attention 24/7)

Unrelated, but so cure I had to share it .
Cato thinks I (as in me, the mama) has a flavor.


Icarus & Cato

[Posted in FML 5625]