Dearest Isabella and Super Tonks,

As a hoomin who's been married for 28 years, I have two words for the
two of you which I hope that you take into serious consideration BEFORE
you get married................... DAVE RAMSEY!!! You need to collect
your little selves and get on down to sign up for the 13 week Financial
Peace University program. Do you have any idea how many ferrets are in
my shelter, living in little apartments, because of divorce?

Isabella, it does not mean you won't be able to shop anymore, but it
will help you and Tonks to learn to be on the same page about money and
spending - you will have to agree on things before they're done. Tonks,
you'll find out that you're not alone and that there are other people,
er.....uh......Super Heros in the same or even worse situations than
you are.

You WILL have to make the B Word a part of your daily life.........
No, not BUY........BUDGET!! And you'll have to cut up your credit
cards......if the kibble is not there to buy something, you have to
wait until you have it, that's all there is to it!

You don't want to start our your married lives with your tails all
poofed up over something as silly as money!!

Congratulations & Best of Luck to the two of you.

Shelter Mom Jerri
Louisville, KY

[Posted in FML 5654]