I have not commented on the fml at all, but I love hearing the wedding
talk! My heart broke for poor Tonks when he thought the silence from
Isabella was bad news! Please keep it coming, it is fun and
lighthearted. It will be a great way to help shelters, I can't wait
til they register!! This is just putting the personality we all see
in our ferrets into words. Let's all enjoy it!

For those who don't, my gosh, just skip over it. It's not like anyone
can legally get a wedding license for ferrets! Whoever sent that e-mail
makes me wonder. Have they sent e-mails to other fmlers judging their
posts? Or do they believe in flying tractors, ferrets posting from
beyond, and overheard ferret conversations translated for the fml? I'm
not trying to be mean, because perhaps they were concerned that someone
was trying to force marriage onto two underage ferrets. No, the posters
are just like the rest of us, trying to enjoy ferrethood and possibly
trying to force underage ferrets to use the litterbox!


PS As a very soon bride-to-be I would like to offer Isabella some
advice I wish someone had given me. On all those crazy "wedding
timeline" charts, there should be take up meditation or yoga at the
top. Then when you're a week away from the big date you'll have a way
to calm yourself!!! But I think the shopping may get Isabella through
this hectic time, but just incase someone pour her some ferrettone!

[Posted in FML 5627]