Thanks to all of you for your suggestions, support and info regarding
Rocky's insulinoma and my problem finding a good vet. I saw a more
experienced vet today, and, interestingly, learned why there aren't
many good ferret vets in NYC. She said that even before the ban (1999)
ferrets weren't being sold in NYC for awhile. Between 1989 and 1992 she
said she saw "tons" of ferrets but not many since. This explains why
the last three vets weren't very experienced, as the one who was
practicing the longest was 7 yrs.

Anyway, she agreed that his belly was big. He gained another 3 oz in
less than 2 wks. She also agreed that the pred dose is high. So she
prescribed diazoxide so the pred can be lowered. If anyone knows where
I can get a good price, please let me know. The best I've found so far
is Canadameds $61.63 for 30ml (plus shipping).

She did a good exam and reviewed his Xrays from the other vet. The
possibly bad news is that his lymph nodes were enlarged; she aspirated
and sent sample to lab.

I have a question regarding vets, second opinions, etc. This new vet is
obviously more experienced, however it was easier on both me and Rocky
to get to the previous vet and it was a much nicer environment, in
general. If I'm going to have to go frequently for glucose checks,
etc., it will definitely be better to go to vet 1, as vet 2 requires 2
subways, waiting on extremely hot platforms and some walking. Rocky
bites on the bars the whole way. So what to do? Can vet 1 consult with
vet 2? I haven't told vet 1 that I was seeking a second opinion. There
are 4 other vets at vet 1's office and "supposedly" they all see

It doesn't seem that there are many treatment options for these
problems. I realize that Rocky is approaching the end of his life in
this world. My goal, for Rocky, is to keep him as happy, comfortable
and pain-free as possible (and for myself, not to cry too often).
Lately, favorite foods and treats are the only thing helping both of
us. Yet, as he gains weight, I lose.

If anyone has any suggestions about vet etiquette, please let me know.

Thanks, and give lots of kisses, toys, treats and love to your furkids
while you can.

Sharon & Rocky "...and good food; forget that tasteless kibble.
Carnivores don't eat cereal."

[Posted in FML 5654]