On June 21, my beautiful little sable girl, Princess Peapie, left this
world. Sunday morning Princess was running around, but by that evening
she wasn't doing very well- very listless, not eating or drinking. I
took her to the vet Monday morning thinking that her glucose had
dropped really low (it was always on the low side), but after the blood
test, we found the opposite- it was extraordinarily high. The vet
immediately put her on an IV with insulin and fluids. We were thinking
that once we got her leveled out everything would be OK. Her glucose
wasn't going down much, and the vet wanted to keep her on an IV
overnight. By Wednesday, her glucose had come down, but Peapie was
even more lethargic- not moving AT ALL. I visited her during lunch and
realized things were not going well. The vet allowed me to take her for
the night. My husband and I stayed up with Princess, holding her and
giving her much attention. I managed to get her to drink (a lot, in
fact) and she even ate a little bit of baby food mixed with clam juice.
This was the first time since Monday she had eaten anything. We held
her until 2am, until I finally laid her in her little bed, so I could
get some rest. At 5am, I checked on her. She hadn't moved at all, nor
gone to the potty (and she had drunk LOTS). She was breathing but was
really cool to the touch. I just held her until it was time to take
her back to the vet.

The vet ran another test. Princess's kidneys were failing. Her vet said
all she could do for Princess was to keep giving her fluids which I
didn't think would be beneficial since she was unable to go to the
bathroom. So, with heavy heart, I decided to help Princess go to the
Bridge. The vet gave me a few minutes alone. I told Princess that
shortly she would no longer be in pain and the angels would be coming
to see her and take her to a better place. Everyone would see how
beautiful she is, and she would be allowed to drink all the clam juice
she wanted, she could stay outside as long as she wanted, maybe eat a
few bugs (something I never allowed her to do b/c they made her sick),
and I would be with her before she knew. I held my little girl as she
passed away. This is one of the hardest things I have ever gone

I adopted Princess 7 years ago. She had been found by dumpster in
Tallahassee FL. I know I was able to give Princess a wonderful life,
and she was surrounded by so many people who loved her, but it just
hurts so much not to have her with me. Nights have been the worst.
Princess always curled up on my shoulder to sleep. I miss the sounds
of her little sighs and light snores in my ear. I miss the sound of
hearing her happily crunching away on her food in the middle of the
night. And I miss feeling her tiny, wet nose on my foot in the morning-
as I stand at the bathroom sink- her way of quietly announcing her

SaraFerret, please look out for my little Beauty Queen. She is so
missed by so many people. She loved pink toys, feathers and I couldn't
keep her away from bottles of lotion! She's such a girly girl. And
please help her find Jynx E Lou who just passed 3 months ago. Tell
them their family loves and misses them and will see them soon.

Thank you,

[Posted in FML 5653]