What a wonderful weekend. I'm thankful I was able to see some long time
friends again and meet a few new ones. It was great to be able to match
a few new faces with names I know, and if I didn't get around to saying
'Hi' and introducing myself, I'm sorry. I was rather scattered!

During each event, we honor a few people that have given so much of
themselves to the ferret community. I would like to share who received
our awards for this event.

One Special Achievement Award went to Mike Janke for Dissseminating
Ferret Health Information. Another went to Judy Cooke for Service to
the Ferret Community. The third and final award went to Dr. Katrina
Ramsell for Treatment and Support for DIM Victims. If you would like
to see what the awards look like, an image of Mike's is on the IFC


(click on Special Achievement Awards in the left column)

I would like to thank everyone that helped make this event so
successful. Thank you to our sponsors, our raffle donors, our
volunteers, our attendees, and finally our committee that worked so
long and tirelessly to pull all the details together. You are all

We were all exhausted as we made the trek home, but in the back of
my head, I was thinking.....where will the next one be???

Julie Fossa 
West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
International Ferret Congress

[Posted in FML 5652]