:::Here we find our super hero, Tonks sitting on a rock sighing and
looking dejected. Not a single super twirl. No flying looped de loops.
How can our hero be so sad when he is on the verge of taking the
biggest step of his life? Marriage to the hot and sassy Miss Isabella
Gucci should make him the happiest ferret in the land.::::::

"Issy, Issy Issy you have to stop this. You have to come back to me."
People, what am I to do? The minute Issy's Mom left for Portland, Issy
jumped on her Mom's computer, and she hasn't spoken one legible word
since. Her eyes are glazed, she is drooling, and all you can hear is
giggling and every so often a muffled, "that one too." What is she
doing? Shopping. I tell you Issy has made it an Olympic sport. Not only
is she registered for the wedding at Crate and Barrel, but now she has
talked to The Ferret Depot and is registered there. She wants one of
everything. It's a good thing all our wedding presents our being
donated to Kat Parson's SOS raffle. Cause I don't have a hidey hole
big enough for all this stuff.

What am I going to do? Can anyone give me some advice? ISSY COME BACK
TO ME!!!!!

Tonks, Super Hero Extrodinaire

[Posted in FML 5652]