Plea for Help.

Hopefully I can get some help from you folks who are knowledgeable
about this subject and can answer my question. The subject is ferret
food and the question is how long does it take for the food to make
the trip from under the nose to finally under the tail?

I read of wide variations in gut travel time, but I'd rather hear
(read) from people who have actually measured this time, and, at that
time, what food was or did the ferret consume?

Perhaps you could figure out a simple way of measuring the food transit
time by using two different colored ferret foods and observing your
ferret, say about 2 hours after eating and later too.

I suppose you'd need a clean litter pan if you didn't use a food

I remember seeing little pieces of orange carrots in the black poop of
a ferret some time ago at a friend's house. Perhaps this would be a
good marker.

Edw. Lipinski

Frettchen Freude

[Posted in FML 5652]