Ok we just have 3 days left for the Raffle for Helen with Helping Hands
Ferret Rescue. You have until midnight the 29th to purchase tickets,
the drawing is held Saturday the 30th, and winners will be announced
that evening. There is a lot of GREAT prizes, so dont miss out. I want
to thank everyone for the over whelming response in helping Helen, she
is so deeply touched. If you dont know Helen personally, there is link
on the raffle page to watch a video clip on when the shelter was
featured on their local news in PA. She is a wonderful lady, with such
a big, giving and generous heart. She is truly an inspiration to all,
she has a strong faith in God, that is what helps pull her through
those rough battles.

Helen has a tough battle ahead of her, she has been diagnosed with
multiple myeloma bone cancer (stage 3). She underwent shoulder surgery
yesterday. Her husband, Bob, called to let me know she pulled through
surgery, they removed several bone spurs, and cleaned the arthritis in
her shoulder. She is in a lot of pain and pretty drugged up with pain
meds, but still in a lot of pain. As soon as she is able they will be
starting her on the chemo treatment. We are not sure when, they were
hoping by the end of this week or next week. It all depends on how well
she recovers from this surgery. Helen has also been fortunate to find
several homes for her ferrets. Several wonderful people are foster some
of the ferrets and some are giving them forever homes. She has some
wonderful friends close and far away, and there has been so many to
come forward wanting to help.

Helen asked me to thank all you for your support and the wonderful
cards she has received, especially as those in Pittsburgh that have
came to help her, and give the fuzzys homes. This was one of the
hardest things for her to do, by letting any of the ferrets go, but
she still has around 20, her personal ferrets and some oldsters that
will stay there until its their time to go to the bridge.

Please keep her and her family in your prayers, the power of pray is
amazing, Miracles do happen as long as you believe.

Dont forget to check out the raffle page and get your tickets, its a
win-win situations, you have a chance to win a wonderful prize and
you are helping a wonderful lady, plus it just makes you feel so good
inside knowing you did something good for someone in need.


Crazyferretmom  (julie johnson) and the 11 fuzzbutts
memory of Sidney Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, and Roscoe

please check out my quality, affordable bedding


Raffle to help Helping Hands ferret Rescue, Please open your heart and

[Posted in FML 5652]