Dear FMLers.
I have returned alive from the IFG Ferret Sympsoium in Portland Oregon.
I had so much fun it is gonna take a month of hard work to wipe that
silly grin off of my face. Bob Church was ill most of the time but he
did do a table disscussion and he taught all of us at the tabel how to
make Ferret thumpers I think was what he called them.. LMAO!!! Well it
looks like a thumper but actually is is a fret toy for them that like
to bite too hard when they play. OH well. The trip to the Zoo was good
and my flight was on time and I got home about 10:20 lat night. I was
pooped but very happy. My ferrets were over joyed to see me again as
they had forgotten where I told them I had gone but they quickly got
over that when they saw the goodies I brought back to them. All in all
learned a bit and seen new country I have never seen and got toknow
something about the great State of Oregon. I met folks I have heard
about for years like Dr Bruce Willimas, Kim Shilling, author of Ferrets
for Dummies, and of course Bob Church ,whom I have met before here in
Reno at one of our NNFN Spring Frollics I believe. I want to Thank
Renee Downs, for all her help and the great dinner she prepared for the
Shelter Dinner at Oregon Ferret Rescue. I got to meet Dave and Chris
Mathis (I hope I got that name right...) and I got to meet lots of
ferrets there and at the Symposium so yes I got my fret fix several
times there in Portland. I Hope it is a while for the next Symposium as
I have to start saving right now but I plan to be there when that gavel
falls at the next one!!!

Best to all and hugg on them fuzzies folks. You just don't know how
long God will let you keep them.
Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5651]