>Recently I tried to browse one of the websites that I think I found
>via the Japanese Ferret Assocation, and of course, being that I can't
>read Japanese..I didn't get too far.


I'm posting an article about that on my blog eventually (It's been
on the slate for several weeks, but got distracated with the food
poisoning updates), but right off the bat - in general, Japanese
companies will NOT ship overseas. Even big ones. I don't know why.
I have many flyers from the vendors at the last 2 Japan Nationals.
When I showcase them I will also drop them a note about if they
would consider shipping overseas.


Ferret Research:  http://ferretknots.blogspot.com/
Ferret Resources: http://nippynihon.blogspot.com/
For my resume & samples of my Japanese Translations visit: 
<http://ayarei.translatorscafe.com/ OR http://www.proz.com/profile/135994>

[Posted in FML 5625]