Our 3-year old DEW/Silver (?) MF male, Whitey, was discovered this
morning with some problems. A wierd combination, none apparently
life-threatening, and I don't trust the emergency vet, so am waiting
until we can get in to our regular vet this week. But I wanted your
opinion on what it could be.

He is carrying his right rear leg up. He's not dragging it, but keeping
it curled under him and walking on 3 legs. I took a short digital video
and can send it to anyone interested in viewing it. It's time for
nail-trimming, so it's possible he caught a nail and hurt (sprained?
dislocated?) his leg, although there's no sign of it on his nails. They
have a large cage, but there are very few places he could have fallen
any distance.

Also, his left eye appears a little swollen, athough that appearance
may just be because there's some dark "staining" around it. What the
darkness looks like... when a cat I know got an eye infection, and it
was oozing. But there's no drainage at Whitey's eye that we can see.
And this may be just us overreacting because of the leg.

Lastly, he's lethargic. He will get up and walk around, but isn't
playing like usual. He's eating ok, and drinking fine. With 7 in the
cage, we didn't notice yesterday if he was peeing & pooping good, but
we'll watch that today.

He does have a thinning tail which started less than a month ago, so we
suspect adrenal problems, and planned on a regular visit in July, and
thought it could wait until then.

Any thoughts on what this might be would be appreciated.

Tipsy (the cat) and the Seven Dwarves (Kissy, Snuffy, Coco, Whitey,
Frosty, Robbie and Burnie)

[Posted in FML 5649]